Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My First Post

I'm starting this blog to document my adventures in cooking paleo/primal food.

I'm no expert, so check out whole9life.com or marksdailyapple.com to learn what that really means. How I've explained it to people who've asked (and my husband who I forced/convinced to get on board with this new eating plan) is meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fats - all natural, organic.

While I'm no nutrition expert I am a pretty good home cook. I used to write thewinningdish.com where I recreated the winning dish from every Top Chef episode the week it aired. That was crazy, expensive, and exhausting. I made it halfway through a season - I'm a quitter.

But I still love to cook and experiment in the kitchen all the time. Mark Bittman is my hero and his minimalist column (now defunct, frown) is the inspiration for the name of my blog - and hopefully what will be my approach to it. Instead of going nuts, like it did with my last blog I'll just post what I'm cooking for dinner - every night? a few nights a week? Eh, we will see how it goes. Tonight I'm planning coconut crusted chicken with whatever veggies come in my first CSA box of the season.


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